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A Personal Connection During Social Distancing...

" A Personal Connection During Social Distancing..." is my way of staying connected to you via the technology we have at our disposal while we practice Social Distancing. Please feel free to subscribe, email or post on social media. Let me know if you have questions or ideas you would like addressed. And let me know how you are doing!


So, the novelty of being home is probably starting to wear off. Chances are, your household is driving you crazy, or you are feeling alone. Maybe both at once! Changes are difficult. While the forced slow-down of frenetic-ism may have changed out external routines, how is it going in your internal environment? Is your mind racing with "what ifs"? Are you creating busyness when none is needed? Are you over consuming news and media, and under consuming gratitude and peace? So how do we shift the internal space? Stay calm in the midst of uncharted territory?

My shaman and mentor sent me an email today, reminding me to stay in high-vibration mind set. You can learn more about the amazing Lisa Lanzetta here:

Lisa Lanzetta 

Master Shamanic Coach


Here is a bit of wisdom from her.

We have to chill so we can hear the new paradigm. And align with the new energy! So, how do we do that?

  • Stay in creator instead of victim.

  • Challenge yourselves to think differently instead of being a bully to yourselves or others. 

  • Be a coach to yourselves and others instead of enabler, allow yourselves and others to grow through this! 

  • Stay in your power.

  • Ask yourselves and others some high vibe questions.

Some high vibe questions: Do I really need 10,000 rolls of TP? (oops, that’s a low vibe question) Just for fun here are some low vibe questions. (don’t worry I have high vibes below!) LOW VIBE QUESTIONS: What’s wrong? Who’s to blame? How can I prove I’m right? How can I protect my turf? How can I be in control? How can I get hurt? Instead of following herd mentality, here are some higher vibe questions.

HIGH VIBE QUESTIONS: How can I create what it is I want to see in the world?  What am I responsible for? What are the facts? Is this anxiety/fear even mine? What are my choices? What’s possible? What’s useful right NOW?

These High Vibe questions make a great exercise when you find some quiet time and sit with a glass of lemon water, tea or coffee. After you've done the exercise, I’d love to hear your reflections on these questions. Send me a message through the Portal or email/text if you are a member!

Yours in health and happiness,

Dr O

Dr. Erica Oberg Integrative Natural Concierge Medicine 206-407-7540 (c) 858-346-9342 - fax 858-215-4935 - scheduling 875 Prospect St, Ste 302, La Jolla CA 92037

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